Author Topic: damnit steam why wont you send me my steam guard code  (Read 1419 times)

steam refuses to send me email pertaining anything to do with loging in on steam, even though it will happily send me 500 emails about buying stuff on the community market.

now my steam wont let me login because it needs the steam guard code (which i was already logged onto steam like 10 minutes before this..) and its like "lol giv me code but im not sending the COD 2 U LOLOOLOLOL"

ive already taken it up with steam support and i havent gotten anything in the last 4 hours ive been trying this


You sure your email is correct?

You sure your email is correct?

yes. it hasn't changed the last all the times used steam guard.

Check your spam/trash folder.
Also, steamguard is too secure. How about a security question like "who was your childhood friend"?

nothing from steam D:
Send the steam support this email:
"Dear Steam,
For some strange reason SteamGuard would not send me my code. I have checked my spam/trash folder and have attempted to resend the code multiple times. Everything I tried yielded no good results. I am using this email, the one I used to create the steam account, to verify that I am the account owner. Please unlock my steam account, (put your steam username here). Thank you, (your steam username here)"

Do you have two accounts? One that it's emailing you all those deals and the other that is the one you're trying to get into?

Do you have two accounts? One that it's emailing you all those deals and the other that is the one you're trying to get into?

nope. theres only 1 email linked to the account