Author Topic: GMod Storm Chasers - DEVELOPER NEEDS DONATIONS  (Read 7829 times)

I was talking to one of the main developers of the GMod storm chasers, it turns out there is major possibilty for the GMod storm chasers servers to relaunch the servers, the only thing that stands in the way of the development of servers is one thing: Money.
He needs donations to get the servers relaunched, we talked in steam about how the storm chasers servers can go back up, but he needs donations, he can code and everything, but the map maker, Rhapid Fyre, cannot really help out with the gamemode considering he has a kid and has to deal with the military.
I have a steam chatlog of me talking with XenonFrame and it seems that he does indeed need money to start the servers back up, if any of you dont remember, the GMod storm chasers is a gamemode that allows you to chase tornadoes and create cars with several storm instruments.
XenonFrame is one of the admins and managers of the storm chasers servers.
Steam Chatlog:

Hes most likely going to make a donation system tomorrow, to receive money for relaunching the servers.
If you guys arent in the storm chasers group, hes a admin for it and helps out with the servers.
The GMod storm chasers servers got shut down due to the fact that they were running out of money to help with the servers. Here is the group link:
He needs about 1,000$, this is due to the fact that they pay 300$ to run the servers each month.
Here was a topic made about the storm chasers a while ago:
donation site:
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 03:50:41 PM by [Maxx] »

I went to one of the servers once. Wasn't very fun. Maybe because I just didn't know how to do it. I will never know.

Dude seems like a goofball. Maybe he needs pass the 7th grade before he finishes that mod.

I went to one of the servers once. Wasn't very fun.

I went to one and was bored out of my mind, the game was meh at best, many more servers I'd prefer to it.

Dude seems like a goofball. Maybe he needs pass the 7th grade before he finishes that mod.
"Who the forget uses XD"
"I'm a web dev and that made me lol"

omg people still play this

What is a gmod stormchaser?
Why would I donate to something I've never heard of?

What is a gmod stormchaser?
Why would I donate to something I've never heard of?
Some gamemode where you chase tornadoes.
I don't know.

Some gamemode where you chase tornadoes.
I don't know.
Sounds intresting, don't play gmod a ton though.

Anyway, hosting for a gmod server is not 3600$/year.
He doesn't need a dedicated server for a gmod server, or even a few of them.
Tell him to pay 400-500$ for a vps for a year.

$3600 a year sounds like bullstuff and him saying "lol" all the time doesn't make it better. He's just trying to get people to pay for his apartment.

Why does he need money to code? He can finish this new version of the mod then try and get money for a server.

He's scamming you, Maxx.

Sounds intresting, don't play gmod a ton though.

Anyway, hosting for a gmod server is not 3600$/year.
He doesn't need a dedicated server for a gmod server, or even a few of them.
Tell him to pay 400-500$ for a vps for a year.
He's scamming you, Maxx.
Why does he need money to code? He can finish this new version of the mod then try and get money for a server.
ugh, did you guys even read the steam chat, he never said anything about needing 3600$ for coding, or a server, he was just estimating how much it would be for 3600k a year, he never said he would need it now.

Turns out he only needs 1k, where did he ever say he needed 3600 a year exactly?
also, heres one thing, there is going to be 5 servers when everything reboots, its just that he needs money.

where did he ever say he needed 3600 a year exactly?


What is a gmod stormchaser?
Why would I donate to something I've never heard of?
GMod Storm Chasers is a gamemode where you build random stuff and chase tornadoes, there is 5 different gigantic maps with 5 different servers with those maps, coded tornadoes, etc, and you get to chase tornadoes as well.
Its a gamemode lots of people have played.

Hes expecting on ordering this dedi server:
when he gets enough money.

that was a estimate of how much he'd need for a year? he never said he needed it 3600$