Author Topic: gigabyteTroubadour's Tertiary Colorset  (Read 1849 times)

Hello everyone! After several requests and edits, I decided to release my colorset to the public. Below is a link to the Mediafire download, and a preview picture.

Being my first colorset, I'm open to any constructive criticism. Hope you find it useful!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 07:18:58 PM by childofdarkness016 »

You can actually put the colorset directly into the gamemode and it will load fine

You can actually put the colorset directly into the gamemode and it will load fine
I realized that as soon as I finished writing this, but I don't really care to edit it.

EDIT: If you need context, I said that I thought it would be nice for people to have the proper colorset for a gamemode, but then realized after submitting that it will bundle with the gamemode anyway, but didn't edit that. ;P
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 07:20:04 PM by childofdarkness016 »

I guess its useful ... for something...
