Author Topic: Panorama Screenshots  (Read 5354 times)

You could also set your FOV to 360 and screenshot.

that doesn't work too well


that doesn't work too well
I could have sworn that used to work.

EDIT: The panoramaScreenShot(name, jpg/png); function works well except you have to use a stitching tool afterward. I haven't used a stitching tool yet, but I imagine there would not be the black border. Regardless, it is a very cool Blockland add-on that will allow you to do this without other programs.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 10:23:54 AM by Doomonkey »

Contributing with Mammon Society from IcyGamma's City Tycoon. I forgot who built it. I fiddled with it a bit to improve the lighting.

Ladezkik built it, I remember it C:

Contributing with Mammon Society from IcyGamma's City Tycoon. I forgot who built it. I fiddled with it a bit to improve the lighting.
ladezkik did

someone do a blockoseattle panorama

someone do a blockoseattle panorama
Delivered. It's a 360 degree panosphere. (Equirectangular projection.) You can use the free FSPViewer to view it correctly. (5270x2635)

Please don't hotlink (as in put it in IMG tags) this image. It's pretty big and I need to think about bandwidth too. Please use this preview resolution image instead:

Little planet wallpaper.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 06:31:01 PM by Demian »

demian delivers
hooo boy that looks quite nice

Woah! I love that little planet thing! Nice work.

holy stuff :o
Make that into a skybox?
It wouldn't look very good since it's in the sky. If someone took the buildings from that save and placed them in a roughly circular formation some 128 blocks away from a central point then it would work as a skybox.

Do moaar
Poast saaaves.

somebody do that but with brick text saying blockland instead of a city

somebody do that but with brick text saying blockland instead of a city
This is only going to work if someone builds a giant text saying Blockland:

It wouldn't look very good since it's in the sky. If someone took the buildings from that save and placed them in a roughly circular formation some 128 blocks away from a central point then it would work as a skybox.
Poast saaaves.
(pssttt make that into a skybox using the method you just described)

(pssttt make that into a skybox using the method you just described)
I have better things to do, I do not personally need such a skybox at the moment + I'm a lazy motherforgeter.