Author Topic: Free modeling program  (Read 3171 times)

Are there any free modeling programs that I can use to make add-ons?
I already use Torque Constructer for Maps, anything I can use for add-ons???

TheGeek uses Google Sketchup =P

Other than that, I don't know of any free ones.

Wings 3D
CB model pro

Google them.

None of those will directly export to DTS.

None of those will directly export to DTS.
Anim8or will in the next update.

Skechpad would be great but its pretty damn hard to get it from sketch to BL..unless i'm forgetting something..

None of those will directly export to DTS.
Anim8or will in the next update.

k, didn't know about that.

Well...currently my statement is still correct. :)

I'll provide you to a link of a website with tons of modeling programs, after I get home from school...

« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 03:58:57 PM by Spartan300 »

Extremely hard to use.

I like programs where I get to actually work with the mesh rather than clicking buttons.
Here is the website, as promised:

only problem with blender (witch i use) is that all the .dts exporters i can find are broke :/ phyton script errorz

I like milkshape and you get a free trial