Author Topic: Gravity Cat's UH-1 Iroquious made his server crash?  (Read 1825 times)

Well I was on Gravity Cat's server and I drove his UH-1 Iroquious into a brick and nothing happened, but when I deleted the brick it was inside of it made his server crash. (I think it crashed, I don't know if it crashed or just made tons of lag)
Why is this?

Because vehicle physics are game-breakingly horrible.

Because vehicle physics are game-breakingly horrible.
So it's basically not my fault?

if you crash the uh-1 you crash the damn server.

Basically any helicopter crashes the game if it crashes into bricks. I think that was solved on heeds tdm by exploding the helicopter before it crashes.

Basically any helicopter crashes the game if it crashes into bricks. I think that was solved on heeds tdm by exploding the helicopter before it crashes.

i only find the server crashes with the damn uh1

gravity cats helicopters and airship have some magical unstoppable game breaking crashes that he cant seem to fix???

gravity cats helicopters and airship have some magical unstoppable game breaking crashes that he cant seem to fix???

p much

The thing is the heli glitches half in half out of the brick(in my cases) and then the game doesn't know what to do so it breaks down and cry's in the corner. I try not to use the UH-1 but its good in every other aspect. Basically if you hit a car you spaz out. If you hit a brick.
Run hard and don't look back.

I think I have the basics of the problem figured out, what if it was trying to push itself out and it just kept creating more server exploding errors caused by a sloppy line of code?
Could be. Or its time for a new physics system or something.

I always thought it was the propellers. Moving models on a vehicle colliding with bricks. That's how the blackhawk is when you move it close to bricks and the propellers touch.

Gcat use a moving Texture for rotors. Also he to lazy to fix it. I ask him.