Author Topic: list of forum meltdowns?  (Read 5333 times)

real talk: i feel sorry for elecro. dude don't got it all good like most here irl. this forum hard knock life doe

rookie one a bit ago
oh, so dez had multiple meltdowns?


oh, so dez had multiple meltdowns?
[img ] IQWwSYLAtBqcAVEFhOUscTeR8De[/img]


dang like
what did I do to you that warrants this kind of brown town devastation lol
you hate me so hard for no reason it's funny

you can sit there and make fun of it but you don't know the half of it sonny, if you were going through what I was going through im almost certain you would've shot yourself
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 12:59:32 AM by RaR »

real talk: i feel sorry for elecro. dude don't got it all good like most here irl. this forum hard knock life doe
I know he was being elected "village idiot" or whatever and I dont even know why he isn't even the stupidest person here

link to that time when badspot raged and deleted a bunch of stuff plez

link to that time when badspot raged and deleted a bunch of stuff plez
oh god that one was great

what really I've never even heard of that happening

(also kaiiu in the i got robbed today thread somebody is challenging your position as king of swag)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 12:51:07 AM by Kimon »

link to that time when badspot raged and deleted a bunch of stuff plez

that one was great

lets not forget about plaz