Author Topic: FUEL - The Continuation.  (Read 3615 times)

The woman lets out an utterance of obvious discontent.  "First I have Sector Six Authorities riding my ass about this damn thing, now I have you clowns."
"Difference is we have you cornered and are able to kill you know. I want to be nice, but you're making it hard. Give us the loving information, or else."

"As if you would even think of killing me, hah.  You need me alive.  Can't make conversation with a dead man, hotshot.  Now where the hell's our ticket out?"
The commander frowned, holding a finger up to his throat mic.  "Jackson, bring the Humvee to the hole.  Make sure the gun's got a fresh box of ammo first."

"As if you would even think of killing me, hah.  You need me alive.  Can't make conversation with a dead man, hotshot.  Now where the hell's our ticket out?"
The commander frowned, holding a finger up to his throat mic.  "Jackson, bring the Humvee to the hole.  Make sure the gun's got a fresh box of ammo first."
I take a seat on the steps as we wait for the humvees. I pinch my fingers and put them to the bridge of my nose. "Such a loving long day. I need a beer."
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 01:11:43 AM by mlockha »

"Tell me  about it..." Cherenkov grumbles.

"Tell me  about it..." Cherenkov grumbles.
"So, Cherenkov, what's your story?"

"That's commander to you, soldier."

"That's commander to you, soldier."
"So, Commander Cherenkov, what's your story?"

the commander smiled, chuckling, "Relax, I'm forgetin' with you."  he said, sighing,  "Served with the Marine Corp for... 13 years, EOD.  Did two tours in Afghanistan and one in Iran.  Enlisted when I was 17, straight out of high school.  Got out as soon as I could after getting back from Iran.  Guess I didn't really make it far 'fore I was knee deep in brass again."

the commander smiled, chuckling, "Relax, I'm forgetin' with you."  he said, sighing,  "Served with the Marine Corp for... 13 years, EOD.  Did two tours in Afghanistan and one in Iran.  Enlisted when I was 17, straight out of high school.  Got out as soon as I could after getting back from Iran.  Guess I didn't really make it far 'fore I was knee deep in brass again."
"Ah, Marines. Me, I travelled the world. Worked as a journalist. Not a conventional one, but, I went to weird ass places and filmed. When I got back to the states, I needed something fun to do. So I started hunting. It was Trip, Hunting, trip, then inbetween the trips, this mess happened, I opposed the USPG, and I ended up here."

The commander nodded.  "I like you, Lee.  I'll see to it you make it out of this mess."

The commander nodded.  "I like you, Lee.  I'll see to it you make it out of this mess."
"I just hope the people don't have to suffer anymore. I hear it's like a loving concentration camp in the correctional facility. It's like North Korea."

Cherenkov nods, groaning quietly.  "So I've heard... I wonder what all of the USPG ops are doing in there."

Cherenkov nods, groaning quietly.  "So I've heard... I wonder what all of the USPG ops are doing in there."
"Probably guarding something. Or a riot. Or their general is handicapped. Any are valid options."

I wake up for my night shift. The sun is starting to slide into the horizon; It is humid outside. I pick up my AK47, walking down from my motel room and into the lobby. I ask for some breakfast left overs. He says someone got a deer, so I ask for some cooked venison. I sit down next to the 3 guys I like the most.

Everyone from my group actually were from my older one in the American forces that fought in Iraq and Afganistan. We know each other, but since we were some shadow, no one really wanted us, liked us, or really trusted us. I get it. We used to be the enemy. We actually escaped from one of the raids in New York for the little zone we had set up down in LA. We decided to steal a helicopter and fly over to California. Problem is, we came across the Fireflies, joining them, then noticing after recruitment we were fighting against our own guys, NATO people. We all sucked it all up and kept fighting. The cause was a good cause.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 02:33:37 AM by Swat 3 »

Fireflies HQ is an abandoned motel.  All of the motel rooms are filled with bunks except for the commander's and the communicaions office.  The mess hall is the lobby.  You would be eating meat from deer, squirrels, bears, and other wild animals.  Firefly personnel are not assigned to squads.

That is all, I'm off to bed.