Author Topic: Brick ownership help  (Read 902 times)

Okay so I am hosting a dedicated zombie server but the zombies only seemed to work when i'm in the mini-game. I tried to load the bricks as public and start the mini-game but the zombies still seemed to malfunction, i was wondering if there was any solution?

What zombies

From the old and broken gamemode_zombie or bot zombies?

Are you using slayer?

I'm using the normal Zombie hole zombies.

Oh and I am using slayer.

enable "include all player bricks" on the minigame settings, also what type of minigame are you using?

enable "include all player bricks" on the minigame settings, also what type of minigame are you using?

I enable that but it dosent work, also I'm using a team slayer gamemode.

How are the zombies not working? Are they not moving, not attacking, what?

Also, please post your console log and your debug_server.log. (found in config/server/Slayer)

How are the zombies not working? Are they not moving, not attacking, what?

Also, please post your console log and your debug_server.log. (found in config/server/Slayer)

The zombies just walk around and we cant damage them and they don't even attack us

The zombies just walk around and we cant damage them and they don't even attack us

Thank you. Please try entering this into console:
Code: [Select]
$DefaultMinigame = Slayer.Minigames.getObject(0);

Thank you. Please try entering this into console:
Code: [Select]
$DefaultMinigame = Slayer.Minigames.getObject(0);

I did that but it still doesn't seem to work

What zombies

From the old and broken gamemode_zombie or bot zombies?

Are you using slayer?
That doesn't matter, either way the zombies only work in minigames.
The only difference is that you can enable/disable zombies with gamemode_zombie.