Author Topic: SCREENSHOTS  (Read 6649 times)

Stop posting screenshots in .png, it's useless unless it's transparent or it's required to be .png for something, I'm tired of having to load stuff for 5 minutes that I don't even know if I like or not, seriously it's not that hard to make it a god damn .jpeg.

.jpeg, 100% quality > .png in most cases.

I know, I honestly prefer bitmaps. Though I don't use them much.

I prefer .jpgs as said above me.


What font? all I see is an enlarged U with a ~ in front of it.
Even if there was some kind of cool font, I couldn't care less.

Its suppose to be a Mario sprite I made!

Its suppose to be a Mario sprite I made!

Arcade isn't a standard font. Here is another one.


It just looks like numbers to you, doesn't it?


This is what I see.

Wow. Here's some help oni deku link.

Step back, slap yourself and reevaluate your life.

Anyways, I do suggest using JPG/JPEG. PNGs aren't best quality, bitmaps take a long time to load and .gifs make the picture lose color quality.

Stop posting screenshots in .png, it's useless unless it's transparent or it's required to be .png for something, I'm tired of having to load stuff for 5 minutes that I don't even know if I like or not, seriously it's not that hard to make it a god damn .jpeg.