Author Topic: Search Your First Name In The Urban Dictionary  (Read 3009 times)

1. the act of being the loveiest person alive
2. A very VERY lovey person
3. Something you would/should name your snake
1. He Jason'd himself all his life.
2. "Oh, that person? He's just Jason"-- "But what is that Jason's name?"
3. I named my rooster Jason, and same with my testes!

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used to define huge sarcastic starfishs, that end up becoming amazingly sweet. Seans know exactly how to piss you off and then five seconds later have you cracking up. Huge jerks, but gotta love 'em.
Dude, that kid is such a freaking sean.
Don't pull a sean, just be nice.

that is 10000% accurate to you

1. Jennifer

A female name that people of america name their children.
Hey there is jennifer over there.
Lets name her jennifer.
I never would of guessed

2. Jennifer

From a Cornish form of the Old Welsh name Gwenhwyfar (Guenevere).
Jennifer's are an extremely rare beauty inside & out. They are loyal to friends & family & will stand by you as long as you will let them; very supportive. They know how to love no other way than hard. Jennifer's have a deep passion for life & the things that are important to them. Sometimes their passion can be mistaken for attitude but, let it be known, it's only because they are misunderstood by some; their passion is real & for no other purpose. Jennifer's are naturally beautiful - making some green with envy of their natural features; so it is only fitting that they have keen interest in the nature around them & preserving natural beauty. They were born with it & are wired to love & care for things in their natural state as well as all creatures big and small.

Jennifer's will be there through the good times & the bumps along the way. Their friendship does not thin, it is not a fair-weather friendship. It is as real as the Jennifer you encounter. Strong & supportive; beautiful & timeless. Should you come across a Jennifer make them your best friend and hold onto them forever

3. Jennifer

a tall girl, usually 5'6 or 5'7, usually white. scared of the world..beautiful hair and eyes that are so rare when you see them they seem one of a kind. she is a VERY loyal person. ALWAYS there for you. whether you want her to be or not. she loves listening to problems and gives great advice..she relates to you iin EVERY aspect. she can listen to so many problems and secrets from different people but will never tell. her words usually heal your wounds. VERY blunt. she loves to hear the truth . no matter how hard it may hurt. most jennifers have had a troubled past and aas much as they can help you they need a shoulder to cry on. jennifers are very strong girls but behind that GORGEOUS smile its a troubled soul, nights of crying..and anxiety stronger than no other. Jennifers are very determined. never give up on you esepcially if she loves you. she usually falls for the guy thats going to hurt her the most and leave her up all night thinking. she cherishes her partner. she loves HARD.. she is so strong and always has a come back but she s so senstive. if she loves you, what you say can make or break her. she seems crazy alot but its because shes trapped on the inside. she worries like hell. when she gets mad its almost safe to get her a stray jacket. never let a jennifer down. if she keeps you close no matter how much you hurt her she'll be there for you.

My definitions are so long :v

okay then whats your name?
Above your post.
It was all sarcasm

The perfect boyfriend; someone who will stay on the phone with you just because, someone who opens doors for you, someone who makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside whenever you're near them. They generally are funny, and tease you a lot. But you never care.
My William makes me so happy!

none of this is true

a ridiculously huge rooster
he's hung like justin


The most amazing name for a boy. He is sweet, funny, caring, hot, and great in bed. He is kind of a video game nerd but leads a social life; he loves to be outside and hangout with friends. He is BAD ASS.

Usually a VERY attractive male or even female. Can be a unilove name. They are normally very sarcastic and trouble makers. They love to make friends, be wild and have a good time. You know a Frankie? Yes? Than you better consider them a good friend, cause they are!

A man's man.Extremely Awesome.
Wow, that guy just ate 58 buffallo wings. What a Joseph!

An Unstoppable man who kills anyone in his way he is awesome
You just got Joseph'd

1.the amazingly hot guy.

2.perfect in all ways.

3.totally hot
oh wow look at that guy joseph he is totelly hot

And more

What the forget!

And more

What the forget!
Welp, at least I'm not alone here...

"LEO is ruled by the Sun so the personality is charismatic, strong and is created to shine.They take on responsibility, naturally."

"Leos magnetic spirit and enthusiasm makes for success in any field but Leos require autonomy and some individual power over their work."

"Leo is Queen of the Zodiac. Her royal presence demands respect. Lions are like the Sun itself, warm and radiant, ready to help great and small, an"d give without counting the cost. No-one is kinder than a Lion, but can be badly hurt if people ignore or misunderstand them."

"If Leo is your Rising Sign, you're naturally cheerful, and walk out onto the world's stage with a smile on your face. People are drawn to you, heads turn, and ...let's be honest... you love it! You're neither proud nor pushy, but sometmes people see you like that. "

"Like every other aspect of life, love is for Leos something mythical that should be experienced to the full. Love should be significant, daring, spectacular and dramatic. A little affection is not their style. They love to be in love and they love playing the role of lover. With Leos you’re in for a real love experience."

"Leos are perfect lovers. They have the talent to create from every love something special and magical. They give the impression that two people are in love for the first time every in the history of the world. They love stylishly and without reservation and loyalty is part of their nature. Although L...
Yeah okay.

also known as "God"
Troy: the ancient greek god of erotica

Troy gave me a good time last night


Has a abnormally HUGE snake ranging 24-36 inches. Always drowning in pusillanimous individual. Doesn't take stuff from no one and does not have CROTCH ROT! Also a beast at everything he does especially in the sack. Ladies can cook eggs and bacon on his eight pack then get down on him and ride him like a roller coaster. The only thing hes says is "BEND OVER BITCH" and everyone replies HELL YA!
"Do you know Troy?"
"heck yes it was like having love with 10 black dudes at once"
"Trust me even my mom knows Troy"
"So does my Dad"


Wierd, not uncool dude. Into everything, sports academics, etc. Not sure of himself or what he wants to do. Other people have trouble understanding him because he doesn't undertsand himself. He sometimes gets depressed and down on himself if the smallest thing goes wrong. Very pessimistic and cynical, which sometimes almost leads to depression. Isn't a cynic becasue he thinks its cool, is a cynic becuase he thinks it is right.

Note: Don't forget with him because if he gets pissed, game over for you.
Gregory, also known as Greg, but somethimes called by their lastname, is that guy who nobody can ever figure out. He always does extrmely well or fails completely.