Author Topic: Search Your First Name In The Urban Dictionary  (Read 3014 times)

Go on to this site And search your first name, Post the funniest definitions for your name!

1)the ultimite love God of them all
originated from the hindu word natty meaning lovey hippo. This so called "lovey hippo" has jesus like hair and a little goatie.

2)someone who every one loves.
person 1-omg... that guy over there is a right Nathan
person 2-how do u know??? he's mine!!!
person 1-wtf........
person 2-die bitch

1.    Devin
to have vigorous passion; an endless loveual appetite

He was so devin! He went all niiight looong!

2.    Devin
An extremely hot boy that tells cheesy jokes, a total cutie, the boy that everyone at school knows i have completly fallen for, amazing smile, very funny, totaly makes the worst the day the best, the name given to the reason I'm happy 24/7 and am always smiling/laughing but also makes me fairly shy...
the name given to perfection. The one that every guy is jealous of for obvious reason. Thinks he has a great body, and he is so right. Hes so amazing, that your speechless when you see or talk to him.

1: "Wow she sure isn't the same since meeting him"
2: "yeah he must be a total Devin"

Baddy should give me a custom forum rank of love God. I found over 20 definitions saying I'm a love god.

Litteral Meaning- God exists.

Anyone named Jesse will never die a virgin. '

A very manly man.
DUDE! Jesse is an amazing person!
A kind boy who knows just what to say and when to say it. Often boys with this name end up charming any girl who they come in contact with. Sweet and innocent he is the perfect boy. Always lovable and caring.
"My dear friend Jesse is so amazing."
an outrageously wild specimen that will make your wildest dreams come true
Did I tell you about Jesse? He gave me the night of my life last night!
a jesse is an awsome kid who is capabel of many things that are unbelievable to find in one lil person
hes a very smexii boy who has alot on him mind....might dislike some people but still have the spunk to still be friends and umm hes one smarty/fatty acid
-jesse's may change the world
- "omg did u see that guy yesterday?"..."oh yea he was so bangable"

I feel so dirty

1.    Dave

A term used to refer to the coolest person in a group.

Oh man, I was the Dave of the party.

Sounds about right.

Antonio can be Mexican, Italian, or a Black person's name. It originated in Italy, many people mistake it for a Mexican person's name.

Usually people with the name Antonio are amazing lovers. They usually are very good looking and could take your breath away with just one glance.
"what is your name?" "My name is Antonio" "Oh! are you Mexican?" "No..."

"Antonio is an amazing lover from Italy/Spain, he has a nice body and a beautiful tan."

"Antonio is a lovey name"

"Did you meet that fine italian boy, what was his name? Antonio?"

1.   Joseph  

A man's man.Extremely Awesome.

Wow, that guy just ate 58 buffallo wings. What a Joseph!
2.   Joseph  

An Unstoppable man who kills anyone in his way he is awesome

You just got Joseph'd

3.   joseph  

1.the amazingly hot guy.

2.perfect in all ways.

3.totally hot

oh wow look at that guy joseph he is totelly hot

4.   Joseph  

He is a beautiful, terrible being. A destroyer of worlds. The conquerer of Earth. He is all that is man. Beautiful women flock to him. He will rule the world with his iron fist and see that only the strong prosper.

Joseph makes Superman look like a wimp and he made Chuck Norris quiver with fear.

5.   Joseph  

That guy that makes you smile from ear to ear. He will make you feel amazing. He looks AMAZING. His eyes are breath taking. His touch is tantalizing. He is the greatest guy you will ever meet. Hold on.

If he isn't a Joseph, get rid of him.

6.   joseph  

a young buck who knows what women like, and satisfies PYTs on a regular basis.

Man, can you believe that dude over there is hittin' skins with Eva? And he hasn't even bought her anything, or taken her out to eat, or nothin' like that...he's gettin' it with her sister too.
Fo'rilla? What a joseph.

7.   Joseph  

the hottest fuking dude EVER!!!! wont ever take your shyet

and has the best bod ever, cute, funny, smart, gorgeous eyes, and a fuking HUGE rooster!!!! the most bad ass dude you will ever meetever and loves music, girls, sports, gIrLs, love, GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS, AND GIRLS!!!!!!

girl1:why u in a wheelchair???

wheelchair girl:j-j-jo-jos-joseph ;D

girl1:i understand!!

What the forget?

Only posting the first one (which is actually the real definition of my name):

1. Ethan

A male given name meaning strong, firm and safe.

Of course the girls like him, his name is Ethan after all.

Ohhhhh yeessss...
An extraordinary man with the most lovely bedroom eyes, an absurdly seductive grin, and beautiful brown hair that always smells absolutely wonderful. He is always warm, and ticklish in a few places that make him twitch cutely. He has great legs, nice muscles, and large feet and hands. He is strong, handsome, lovey, and beautiful. He is intelligent, absolutely hilarious, loving, teasing, sweet, and thoughtful. He leads a very intense life and proves himself to be very hardy in doing so. He hides any hint of pain very well, and rarely opens up, but when he does he shows just how strong he really is. He is loved more than he'll ever realize. He is perfect in every way.

I love you, John!!!

5456 up, 2825 down
noun; adjective; verb.
noun: a very handsome man; a very cute man; a fun loving guy; a genuine ladies man; a funny guy; a guy with many talents; a guy with an average but satisfying snake; a guy who can, even when your angry, cheer you up; A sweet guy; a straight guy; a deep guy; a guy who is amazing in bed; a guy who can be an starfish sometimes; a guy who normally does stupid things; A phenomenal kisser;

adjective: being funny; being sweet; being straight; not being able to jump high; being stupid; being charming;

verb: running fast; masturbating slow; jumping low; sweet talking; telling jokes; acting like an ass; eating; pooping; having love;
"God, Austin you were so good in bed last night!"

"Yeah he was really austin to me."

"Woah, look at the boy austin."

Elliot is a true master at caring. He teaches how to love and be loved. A man of honour a man of steal. He's as handsome as a Greek God, as strong as diamond, as compassionate as a saint and is as gentle as a father's touch. Elliot possesses a magic within to create a vision in the eyes of all, leaving them stunned at how brilliant and perfect Elliot truly is. A leader, a spirit lifter, a lover, a giver, an Elliot'll leave you speechless with his being, his essence.

Life isn't complete without an Elliot. Once you meet him, he will take your concerns away and replace them with peace, tranquility and love. This is the magic that is he. An Elliot brings out the best in everything and everyone he touches, and makes the world simply a better place to be.

An Elliot will render your dark days with light,
An Elliot will give a selfless comfort to make all things
He will bring the moon to where the sun lies.
In a heart beat he can turn a sunset into a sun rise.
An Elliot is someone who gives the gift of love,
and from that day onwards he will be your all, beyond and above.
An Elliot will give a strength a hope,
Taking your hand and helping all cope.
An inspiration a muse
Once Elliot touches a heart, it can't ever refuse.

An Elliot is to create a phenomenon in which a delicate blend of awesomeness, love, compassion, humility, inner an outer beauty, charisma, charity, strength, passion, security and wonder merge to create the amazement that he will forever be

o stop it u

    An exceptional, deep, intelligent, devoted, and unparalleled animal. He is very severe at times, but also knows when to be foolish. He is an original, provocative, rational, witty, perceptive, arousing, resourceful, creative, loving, seductive, mysterious, heavenly, unusual, attractive, clever, profound, solitary, unequalled, coldhearted individual. He enjoys long days out on a boat, (occasionally catching more fish than he lets get away) and can literally spend days on end playing video games. His amazing sense and ingenuity make him an astounding lover and a respectable cook.
1. "That guy is a total Shawn."

2. "I'm glad I married a Shawn ."

   8789 up, 3255 down
used to define huge sarcastic starfishs, that end up becoming amazingly sweet. Seans know exactly how to piss you off and then five seconds later have you cracking up. Huge jerks, but gotta love 'em.
Dude, that kid is such a freaking sean.
Don't pull a sean, just be nice.


the hottest, loveiest man you will ever meet. usually has a very large snake, makes a really good boyfriend and is alwyas condfident about himself. can kick almost anyones ass and is quite a gentleman. always get with a nick, you will alwyas be pleased.


the most amazing person alive with a huge snake
Nick p. has a huge snake

[it's completely true]