Author Topic: Does the world change at midnight?  (Read 1539 times)

Right around midnight, everything changes

Everything is 10x funnier

people are 10x less bitchy

and i have 10x more energy


that's when a narwhal does things

Midnight is the best time ever. Everything is so... peacefully chaotic.

Midnight is the best time ever. Everything is so... peacefully chaotic.
midnight made me laugh at this for 20 minutes straight

I guess you could say that the world is perfect at midnight.

that's when a narwhal does things
I thought the narwhal did things at dawn

I nuke the world.
At midnight

You don't know true funny til you've played a game of Draw My Thing with a group of close friends on skype.

Yeah it's when everyone starts rolling, getting high, and going out to listen to loud music.

le reddit amirite guise XDDDD ROLF

le reddit amirite guise XDDDD ROLF

Someone doesn't know how to midnight correctly.

don't feed the furbies after midnight.