Author Topic: YOU FEEL YOU LOSE v2 - People forget this exists.  (Read 22287 times)

multiple of these have torn a humongous gap in my feels.

should visit this thread more often, it really loosens your emotions.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 03:55:14 PM by pefu19 »

hey um

can anyone tell me what this even is
It's from "The Iron Giant"

Iron Giant
yeah but what's so sad about it

it's really weird when you don't know what it is and you see people being all like "OH MY GOD THIS IS SO SAD" while to you it's just a robot saying "superman"

yeah but what's so sad about it
ok to sum it but to the best of my memory (haven't watched the movie in a while)
there's this kid who finds this giant robot (obv the iron giant)
he tries to work stuff out to give the giant a place to stay
government finds out, they want to destroy the giant
some stuff happens, something about missiles being launched at the city
they can't call the missiles off, iron giant goes to catch the missile and save the city
tells the boy (i guess they became like bros) "you stay, i go" (the kid told him that when they first met and the robot tried to follow him home)
kid's crying
robot takes off and as he's going he says "superman" (p sure the kid was telling him about superman at one point)
the giant hits the rocket and they both blow up

it's a really good movie, you should watch it

Lost so hard. These will forever be burned into my memory.

I'm suprised that one with the dude whose father left him, and grew up hating him hasn't surfaced yet.