Author Topic: Why are people copying DiceyGrammer's avatar?  (Read 1173 times)




(Well Dren is the impersonator...)

Still, who next?
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 06:49:40 AM by Bacon Pancakes »

pretty sure it was boltster(diceygrammar)'s first

you mean my avatar?

they use it because they love me :)

m8 dweg i changed it stop pls

i think it's a long-running joke

Indeed it's been a running joke here on the forums, i think.
Bolster started using the one DiceyGrammar has currently and others edited it.

if it is a running joke i'm not aware of it (probably should be as it's mine)

as far as i know a few people started using it because they thought it irked me, which it doesnt
so now just a few people have it (i'm still the only nice guy though!!)

I think bdx had one too
bdx also had a non-animated khan avatar