Author Topic: i made a twitter  (Read 1848 times)

i realized i can share my dumb one liners and rambling without having to add any of you folks on facebook (not that that's really stopped me)
post your own twatters here and all that jazz

I've tried that, but it sucks when you try so hard and gain less than 5 followers. A lot of the time, the followers are spam users.

I have like 700 followers. Why not add your friends caribou.

the followers are spam users.
Twitter, Instagram etc. Always the spam users...

I have like 700 followers. Why not add your friends caribou.

None of my friends use Twitter anymore. It's all about Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr at the moment. I bet that'll change.

i use it because for some reason or another a lot of the fighting game folks i know use it a lot
i think only one other normy friend of mine uses it :B

y'all twitters are weak af
>implying you were expectin them to be decent [greentext]

I only use my twitter to follow one guy.
That's about it.

I have a twitter but I never use it and I post even less often