Author Topic: Ibans Commands?  (Read 769 times)

Ive been looking everywhere and i cant find the commands for my new ibans server. the idiots on RTB keep trash talking me and wont help. Plz help me :nes:

Type /help for CityRPG help. Also, you can look at the core code files in Add-Ons/ like common.cs and search for "serverCmd".

For example, if there's "serverCmdGrantMoney" that equals to /grantmoney.

My Ibans mod also didn't come with any food bricks, What should i do about that?

My Ibans mod also didn't come with any food bricks, What should i do about that?
They are events, not bricks.

What the hell is Iban's Mod? City RPG?

Thanks for that unneeded bump, the topic's been solved already.