Author Topic: where is that bible stuff story  (Read 4272 times)

so theres this four mc chen story on a guy who had to wipe his ass at his best friends party
then no toilet paper and he uses a bible, then gets hated by everybody after for using a bible to wipe his ass,
he is eventually thrown out of his own house by his family hating him
and he becomes homeless for a few years then returns to his own house and his dad cant believe hes actually alive and well, after becoming succesful in a computer repair buisiness
after that he finds out his best friend put some illegal stuff on his own computers hard drive while hes working, and finds out he is sueable, and the best friend is put in jail not even knowing who sued or put him in jail

where is this story, i really want to read it again

four mc chen

can we just


four mc chen

can we just

i dont want to be banned for saying four chan or some stuff
is saying it bannable or linking it bannable
cant remember the rule

« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 11:37:56 PM by Starzy »

i dont want to be banned for saying four chan or some stuff
is saying it bannable or linking it bannable
cant remember the rule
are you serious
for real dude

i dont want to be banned for saying four chan or some stuff
is saying it bannable or linking it bannable
cant remember the rule
i can't stop laughing

only linking to roblox is bannable and funnyjunk is blocked

i remember that story lol

I don't think there is a rule against mentioning the word "4chan". Although, I believe that a typical link to 4chan would be against the rules, especially because of the mass of adult content (which is the actual illegal part) on that website. That's probably what got you confused.

only linking to roblox is bannable and funnyjunk is blocked
funnyjunk isn't blocked, the website is just a dumb baby and doesn't like it when you link to its images elsewhere
just like furaffinity

i can't stop laughing
yeah yeah laugh it up mcfly LAAEF IT UP MC FLY WILL YA

i'm calling it four McChen from now on

while people are at it, can someone find me that story about that guy who shat himself at a girl's house while they were sleeping and then smeared the stuff on her to make her think she did it

nvm i found it
this was in the topic starzy linked
i loving died