Author Topic: I need a new avatar  (Read 1707 times)

For the past forever I haven't been able to find a cool avatar.

I want to be like those people that hate on muslim and never change their avatar.

Something cool.

I changed my avatar like every other week and was the most loved and respected member on the forum.

You can learn from me.

and was the most loved and respected member on the forum.
lol what

I changed my avatar like every other week and was the most loved and respected member on the forum.

You can learn from me.
I have only changed my avatar like...

I changed my avatar like every other week and was the most loved and respected member on the forum.

You can learn from me.

I want one really cool avatar

so that way I can have seasonal edits of it without re-making them every day.

i made all these a while ago:

i also have some more tentacle ones like mine if you want

I'm not a research addict / tf2 addict / anime addict / furry / brony

Here's one, took me 50 hours to make but it was worth the wait

Here's one, took me 50 hours to make but it was worth the wait


I like something cartoonish, that doesn't look like it took 2 seconds in paint.
I like doctor who / old tv shows

i made all these a while ago:

i also have some more tentacle ones like mine if you want
i was so going to use that popo avatar but it won't let me change :(

I like something cartoonish, that doesn't look like it took 2 seconds in paint.

Actually it took me about 3 minutes in Paint.NET because I'm using a touch pad on a laptop and have 0% elbow room because Epicduke is hogging all of the space on the sofa

i just finished this ninja bike model

you can use it as an avatar if you'd like

I found this one on my computer. You can use it.
(yes it looks bad i know)

i made all these a while ago:
i also have some more tentacle ones like mine if you want

i'll take credit for introducing you to that artist