Author Topic: Post Your Favorite ScreenShot  (Read 8635 times)

161 thongs- 12880 gold

shop fees- 860 gold

filling the shop with thongs- priceless

It was actually more than that because I thought there were 4 rows in the racks.

lol, going to buy me a pair.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 07:37:35 AM by drayon »

Umm, durangos, thats not how you post a picture.

Umm, durangos, thats not how you post a picture.

That is the picture

you cant post a picture straight from your comp, also, shadowhero, try doing alt + print scrn, that should get rid of the border unless you crop it

Umm, durangos, thats not how you post a picture.

That is the picture

LMAO,"Hey mom looks its a %100 new to the internet noob"

LMAO, "Hey mom, look its a DUMBASS that can't read for crap"

Dwango, you see it because your lookng at it on a computer that has a valid file at the path this site gives it. Try it on a diffrent computer if you dont beelieve me.

Try uploading it to a site like imageshack.