[offline]Streaming Stuff

Author Topic: [offline]Streaming Stuff  (Read 2534 times)

Recently, I've been streaming things for my friends, and really enjoy it. I was gonna see if maybe you guys would like to watch something too. If you don't, that's fine too. Just want to see if you might be interested in watching stuff with other blocklanders.

Things that may be streamed
I'd love to have a movie/series marathon night or something that we all can enjoy. I probably won't be streaming things like video games, because it's more fun for the streamer than it is the viewers, and that's stupid. I don't really want a "watch me do stuff" stream, i'd rather have a "lets all watch stuff" kinda stream. I may take suggestions, and I have a couple videos and stuff on backlog. I cannot stream things IRL because I do not have a webcam. I'll be sure to announce before I put something up!
Current Stream
Nothing is up
10/12 - Next Stream


If you catch funny/favorite moments from stuff we watch, take a screencap!
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 02:47:29 PM by heedicalking »

nothings up yet, still gotta decide what we'll watch!!!

Oh, add a poll for what to stream?

Let's watch History Channel with Weedcalking's commentary season!!!!

this is gonna be great I know it

i'll put up a poll soon. right now i'm gonna stream blockland JUST to get feedback on the quality/delay. i've been tinkering with this with feedback from my friends for a while. i've got a pretty good setup i think.

Stream with openbroadcaster and xsplit
way less delay then livestream.com Trust me

Stream with openbroadcaster and xsplit
way less delay then livestream.com Trust me
I'm testing this out, and I want to know if I have to use twitch or something to stream. I don't stream games, and twitch is only for games. Can I stream directly through xsplit or something?

I'm testing this out, and I want to know if I have to use twitch or something to stream. I don't stream games, and twitch is only for games. Can I stream directly through xsplit or something?
what do you mean
I've used twitch tv for other things. And no, maybe ustream or justin.tv?

what do you mean
I've used twitch tv for other things. And no, maybe ustream or justin.tv?
could you join the livestream chat to help me out, i have a couple questions

I decided to stick with livestream and procaster. I find that it offers the best interactivity and user interface. I spent the last 3 hours testing on multiple computers and settings, and found that livestream works the best. Delay won't be an issue since I will be using a second computer to watch along at the same speed as mostly everyone else.

When is it going to be live again?

Let's watch History Channel with Peedicalking's commentary season!!!!

I will start the first viewing in hopefully 3 hours. For now i'll just leave it up to see if the stream works for everyone