Author Topic: Feds Try to Close the Ocean Because of the Government Shutdown  (Read 4359 times)

It also costs money to shut them down, and guard them.
to have a few rangers guarding the entrances costs less than it takes to have people patrolling the entire park

how can you close the ocean when there are several oceans

how can you close the ocean when there are several oceans
K geys tim 2 close le indian naow

to have a few rangers guarding the entrances costs less than it takes to have people patrolling the entire park
You'd be surprised at the costs

to have a few rangers guarding the entrances costs less than it takes to have people patrolling the entire park
They closed the ocean.

to have a few rangers guarding the entrances costs less than it takes to have people patrolling the entire park

A few huh?
Haven't seen the pictures, huh?

They have those places locked down like a military checkpoint.

i like how theyre intentionally shutting down open-access memorials its so smart and efficient

theres more guards in the ww2 memorial than we have in a lot of our embassies


stupid alert

i just think this whole national park closing thing is so stupid. my dad was down in Arizona on a business trip and before he came back he wanted to see the grand canyon. but no, its a national park so he didn't get to see it.

They closed the ocean.
they closed a bay, that is a national park
you can still visit the ocean anywhere else without any problem

They're only closing the things that get the most publicity. i.e. this and every war memorial in DC

I really doubt it's costing more money to close these parks than to keep them open. Can I see some sources on this. Also the reason they don't want people there is because if they get hurt help isn't coming any time soon. I think it's pretty reasonable to not let people go places that are supposed to be watched by Park Rangers when they're no Park Rangers watching them.

They're only closing the things that get the most publicity. i.e. this and every war memorial in DC

More publicity for what exactly? Are you sure they're not closing them because they don't have enough park rangers to fully staff the places and watch them? But really what are they getting publicity for?

Soon they will put a large dome over the country, and try to close space.