Author Topic: Player::giveTool not functioning (oddly)  (Read 711 times)

   function Player::giveTool(%this,%image)
      if(getWordCount(%image) == 1)
         for(%i = 0; %i < %this.getDatablock().maxTools; %i++)
            %tool = %this.tool[%i];
               %this.tool[%i] = %image;
            %img = getWord(%image,%j);
            for(%i = 0; %i < %this.getDatablock().maxTools; %i++)
               %tool = %this.tool[%i];
                  %this.tool[%i] = %img;

There are no console errors. Though when I call
it does not work.

edit: adding in the messageClient .getID(), it makes it so it appears in my tools, but opening it nothing shows up in my hand.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 08:49:42 PM by 0xBRIANSMITH »

%this.tool[%i] = %img.tool.getID();
it all has to be a tool

I'm not sure what your function is doing exactly but this is what I use to give players tools.

Code: [Select]
function GameConnection::forceEquip(%this,%slot,%item)
%player = %this.player;

%item = (isObject(%item) ? %item.getID() : 0);

%oldTool = %player.tool[%slot];
%player.tool[%slot] = %item;


%player.weaponCount ++;

function Player::giveTool(%this, %tool) {
   if (!isObject(%tool) || %tool.getClassName() !$= "ItemData") {
      error("ERROR: Invalid tool given.");

   %tool = %tool.getID();
   %slots = %this.getDataBlock().maxTools;

   for (%i = 0; %i < %slots; %i++) {
      if (!isObject(%this.tool[%i])) {
         %this.tool[%i] = %tool;

         if (isObject(%this.client)) {
            messageClient(%this.client, 'MsgItemPickup', '', %i, %tool, true);

         return true;

   return false;