Author Topic: I need to become a nice person.  (Read 2532 times)

I have noticed something very wrong with me lately, I'm not a very nice person. At all. I'm filled with hate and Depression, Self Delete and murdering my whole family Comes to my mind twice a Day. And I have become cynical, And Just down right biased and stupid. I do not know if there is a loving chance in All the religous versions of eternal Damnation, But loving seriously, I need a link, I need A youtube video I need Something, Anything.

And I hate it when people say "Just be happy!" I CANNOT FEEL HAPPINESS CURRENTLY. I feel like a sterotypical richard, Just something anyone. Get me out of this.

Take some Estrogen. You can make it at home by mixing bleach and ammonia.

Being on a computer probably won't help this.

hi my Name is dicey GrammAr and, you've Got


hi my Name is dicey GrammAr and, you've Got


Yes yes, Make fun of make horridly stuffty grammar. yes. I bet you love that.

get rid of that stash of improvised weapons

get rid of that stash of improvised weapons

I don't have those.. At least I don't think I do.

Make some friends.

I have friends!..

..They are on the internet.

It's the forum's fault, probably.

I have friends!..

..They are on the internet.
Spend more time with them.

By the way, how old are you?

Yes yes, Make fun of make horridly stuffty grammar. yes. I bet you love that.
It doesn't take good grammar to not Type like This in every Single Post

I have friends!..

..They are on the internet.
So? People are people. Talk to your friends.

Spend more time with them.

By the way, how old are you?

I'm 15. Really, that's all there is to it. And to BuildaBox? it's a bad habit, I use it when I'm typing fast.