Author Topic: Admin Applications for Mr Queeba's Servers  (Read 15536 times)

Admin applications for my Games are accepted here.
Here is the layout for when you post your app.
Admin Experience:
Moderator Experience:
Who Recommends you:
Why you want to be admin:

I have to deny a ton of posts, im getting tired. Actually make GOOD APPS

Here is what you need in your app.

IGN: Put In-Game name here. Nothing Else.
BL_ID: Put your BLID here. Nothing Else.
Admin Experience: You need at least SOME experience and try to be specific by saying what servers you have Admin on.
Moderator Experience: Not really needed, but also having moderator experience will increase chances your app will be approved.
Who recommends you: Please specify at least ONE person that recommends you. If no one does, your app will be denied.
Why you want to be admin: The most important part. IN DETAIL, EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE A ADMIN.

Also, using Bad spelling and grammar is unacceptable. Fix your mistakes or you have a increased chance of your App being denied.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 11:28:09 AM by Mr Queeba »


Just make a google doc forms for it

Ign: ravncrofte
BLID: 1030
Admin experience: none
Moderator experience: tezoni jayul excape
Who recommends you: no one
Why you want admin: so I cna ban ppl for no reason cos it is fune

Ign: ravncrofte
BLID: 1030
Admin experience: none
Moderator experience: tezoni jayul excape
Who recommends you: no one
Why you want admin: so I cna ban ppl for no reason cos it is fune
This guy is legit. I'd vote for him


Just make a google doc forms for it
oh no you've single-handedly shut down the topic!

Ign: ravncrofte
BLID: 1030
Admin experience: none
Moderator experience: tezoni jayul excape
Who recommends you: no one
Why you want admin: so I cna ban ppl for no reason cos it is fune
Application Denied. Too low quality, horrible spelling. No one recommends you. You need more reasons to be Admin. No Experience.
Changed my mind. Since everyone says he is legit, I accept him. Obvious Trolls. Removed from Admin list.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 04:59:09 PM by Mr Queeba »

Application Denied. Too low quality, horrible spelling. No one recommends you. You need more reasons to be Admin.
He took is seriously, lol.

Application Denied. Too low quality, horrible spelling. No one recommends you. You need more reasons to be Admin. No Experience.
I recommend him

Application Denied. Too low quality, horrible spelling. No one recommends you. You need more reasons to be Admin. No Experience.

I also recommend him.
He is legit.

Changed my mind. Since everyone says he is legit, I accept him.

IGN: Executionerawesomeguycoolsnip ernocope420yoloswagass
BLID: 28987
Admin Experience: killing people i like cake
Moderator Experience: ummm does beggin for admin count
Who Recommends you:well me duh!1111
Why you want to be admin: becuz i wan 2 now admin me or hax!1!

Changed my mind. Since everyone says he is legit, I accept him.


IGN: Executionerawesomeguycoolsnip ernocope420yoloswagass
BLID: 28987
Admin Experience: killing people i like cake
Moderator Experience: ummm does beggin for admin count
Who Recommends you:well me duh!1111
Why you want to be admin: becuz i wan 2 now admin me or hax!1!

IGN: Nienhaus1 (I think)
BLID: 5357
Admin Experience: Does it matter? I don't think so.
Moderator Experience: ^
Who Recommends you: Myself
Why you want to be admin: Because.