Author Topic: Sentry - Let's Have a Talk  (Read 5947 times)

If furry is truly only about love then I want no part of it

so how did this topic turn into discussing vincent's love life
you're kidding right

If furry is truly only about love then I want no part of it
you could just try to stay off the loveual part of the furry community

it doesn't look that hard tbh

If furry is truly only about love then I want no part of it
What? What are you implying here?

Because it looks like you're implying something awful.

What? What are you implying here?
that the furry fandom is all about animal love

that the furry fandom is all about animal love
No it's not. There is research of anthro characters. Mostly humanoid. That's furry research. That's been there forever. You can be a part of the fandom without having to deal with it.

Then there's a bestiality aspect in a way that is less or more just a string off special interest of the fandom. It's in no way a major part whatsoever. That's the "Animal love" but in some cases it still isn't blatant bestiality.

There's just dumb animals which are animals having love with or someone is having love with them. That's bestiality, it's illegal and gross.

Then there's Anthro on Feral, in which one character is a humanoid and the other is feral but is also another character with a personality and such. This is just considered anthro on feral and is also not a major part of the community.

Then for a real life example, there's zoophilia which is just still gross love with animals except slightly more legal.

In no way is the fandom about animal love and you should not have to worry about it.
Also, next time, don't bring something so off-topic up in a topic like this. It's kind of weird.

Vincent, you can redefine the word to yourself all you want, but the fact of the matter is is that furry remains the laymen term for people who have love in animal costumes.

Like I had people at work who'd never used the internet for anything besides facebook, and they only knew furries as those weirdos who have group love in animal costumes. The word has a by-and-large negative connotation to it to anybody who is outside of the fandom. People obsessed with cartoon animal art haven't been very successful in reclaiming the furry moniker from the loveual deviants.

Vincent, you can redefine the word to yourself all you want, but the fact of the matter is is that furry remains the laymen term for people who have love in animal costumes.

Like I had people at work who'd never used the internet for anything besides facebook, and they only knew furries as those weirdos who have group love in animal costumes. The word has a by-and-large negative connotation to it to anybody who is outside of the fandom. People obsessed with cartoon animal art haven't been very successful in reclaiming the furry moniker from the loveual deviants.
As i said, it's part of the fandom. It's not a huge part, but if you wonder far enough you will find the grotesque tumor that is it.

I avoid that part of the fandom, many people do. Almost all of the furs i know avoid "yiffing" because it's a waste of money and just gross.

e-relationships is not an actual relationship lol. It's just a joke played by 2 people to get attention.
i know several couples that are an internet relationship from this very forum and if i told you, you'd honestly be surprised mainly because they dont talk about it

Vincent, on Sentry's profile, the website set to his profile is called "This guy is a cigarette" and it links to your profile.

Sentry is being quite a starfish.

Vincent, on Sentry's profile, the website set to his profile is called "This guy is a cigarette" and it links to your profile.

Sentry is being quite a starfish.
Oh, wow.

Vincent, on Sentry's profile, the website set to his profile is called "This guy is a cigarette" and it links to your profile.

It wasn't enough that Sentry sent a message to Vincent?

Vincent, on Sentry's profile, the website set to his profile is called "This guy is a cigarette" and it links to your profile.
lol someones a bit butthurt i guess