Author Topic: so yeah, a tree fell on top of our car  (Read 3261 times)

incase you haven't noticed, severe weather pounded through Pennsylvania last night hard. the storm included raining, some thunder, and forget STRONG wind.

the storm woke me up, my mom went to look out the window when she sees leaves all around the driveway. my dad went to check, and she was right: a big oak tree which was in our backyard fell on top of our Volkswagon, undoubtfully totalling it. (/title)

im unable to post pictures because it's dark out to the point where the flash on my iPod will do forget all and i would be going to school soon so im unable to take one in the middle of the day. if you don't believe me, oh well.

so yeah um, discuss nature stuffting on you?

I think I saw it rain here once.

You can save 50 percent with Geico auto insurance.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 06:51:37 AM by Crispy_ »

I hope no damage was done. Here in NY, I can hear the gusting wind from my sturdy windows.

I hope you guys are able to get a replacement car.

I also hope that my town is in one piece, we had a ton of insane wind last night.

There were some sprinkles yesterday.
Last night was warmer than usual.

What a coinkydink there were 3 downed trees in the road on my way to school and I almost railed into one because it's on a blind corner.

You can save 50 percent with Geico auto insurance.

forget off geico i got this.

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You can save 50 percent with Geico auto insurance.
Geico get Blocko!

I remember our tree falling in our veranda before during Hurricane Ike.

No wonder why your Trick or Treating was postponed

Damn, sorry about that. Hopefully insurance will cover it.

do you have good insurance coverage? if not then you're sorta
you know