Author Topic: BLUEPRINT - Looking for Members!  (Read 10015 times)

When I first saw apps, they were amazing, I lost interest after I saw less of them. When I went and looked at the builders, I saw you only have 1 exterior builder. I hope to apply soon!

Hehe, Lego got slaughtered. We'll try to get some stuff done tomorrow.

Is the clan server going to be up anytime soon?

Honestly, I have a lot on my plate again. Lego can make a server if he wants too, but anyone available should really get working on those dossiers. If anyone can pick those up and get those going that'd be great. I'll try for this weekend but work occupies a lot of my weekdays, and school is hogging up some of my weekends again.

We now have a dedicated server! I have a spare server, so I'm using it to host for the clan. Right now we're working on the dossiers, you can check them out here!

Awesome, Cowboy :D

School is taking up my weeks quite well, but I'll be happy to take a shot at the neighborhood next weekend.

yaaay, thanks guys. I hope to get off this death streak of work I have to do soon.

darkstride is really busy lately so i'm gonna ask that people who want stuff built to pm me instead

Hello, I was wondering if BluePrint could build a bank for my CityRPG, Thanks

Hello, I was wondering if BluePrint could build a bank for my CityRPG, Thanks

Send a personal message to LegoPepper with more details (such as size of the building, the wanted style and how detailed it should be)

what about radio

does he still even have any word in the clan?

what about radio

does he still even have any word in the clan?
honestly i dont like being the man incharge so im glad other clan members took on the job of doing so while the leader is out

well, I applied go look in gallery ;)

i thought the clan was finger print for some reason.