Author Topic: The Hunger Games - oh dearrrrrrrrr.  (Read 6885 times)

A Zealot Slave Co. Project

Help us event some of the Gamemaker controls and get access to the alpha!

We need someone (or multiple people) who can do advanced eventing on gamemaker controls, since none of us are talented enough to get them right. We have a few basic systems in place but some of the more advanced things we can't do alone.

Just post saying your good with events/VCE and I might let you in.

Tribute Lottery

3 people will be randomly selected to betatest. If you would like to enter the lottery, just post below, saying you'd like to join. You'll be added into a list and we will generate 3 random people to help.

Get posting! It ends December 5th.

You and 23 other brave contestants shall be placed on pedestals  in a circle, surrounding a pile of items, weapons, or clothing. After 30 seconds, you will be released. This gives you time to decide who is friend or foe. The supplies in the center is very valuable to you, at at such an early stage in the event it's value is even higher. You could try getting as much of it as you can, or sprinting for the hills. Whatever you decide, many other contestants are thinking the same thing. Be careful.


As the games take place over a course of multiple days, or even weeks, and involve lots of strenuous activity, you will no doubt become hungry. Unless you want to starve and be forgotten as just another tribute, you need to eat. You will find food all over the island, bread, fruit, or berries. Some food is poisonous though. Let's talk about that.


Not everything you eat is safe. None of the poison is enough to kill you completely, (That wouldn't be a very interesting game for the citizens.) you will have an opportunity to test each wild fruit or vegetable you find. You could even trick the other contestants into eating the poisonous food, weakening or killing them without even moving.


Team up! Work together! Make a good show. You are in these games to survive, and it is your civic duty to the capitol to do so. Talk to a friend and convince them to work with you, then kill the other contestants who are alone. The options are endless. Although, only one person can prevail. Each of your teammates will have to go at some point if you plan on surviving this. Backstab them. Kill them when they least expect it. Make a good show for the citizens. It was them or you.


Once every other tribute has fallen, by your hand or not, you are the victor. You will be bathed in riches and adored by the citizens. You will also even get the opportunity to wait out the next Hunger Games in the VIP Capital Hovercraft.


The Arena that the 43rd Annual Hunger Games will take place in is an abandoned African Archipelago. There are still structures on the island from the natives, but the Gamemakers will add in methods of transportation among the island and add food and weapons alongside the native buildings. Since the games are growing closer, these are some images of the incomplete Arena in order to give you a good idea of what you will be facing. Please keep in mind, the entire arena is a work in progress.

An overview of the Arena:

The Cornucupia, where the games begin.

Of course, a Gamemaker's Quarters will have to be constructed on the Island.

The inside will be filled with controls, to make sure the games are entertaining for the citizens.

One of the native villages, prepared for the Games.

Unfortunately, not all buildings are in their prime condition. Be careful.

The games are growing closer. Be ready.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 08:14:33 PM by Zealott »

~Reserved for Official Capital Use~

seecret wall thingy mod

anyways looks fun, as always

those logs in the second to last picture have a strange texture, IMO.

Also can I borrow some slaves

Looks very nice, I must say

those loving SOFT SHADOWS hnng

add zombies, raining rockets, fires, horse gods, super zombie tanks, and mr wiggles

also is there day/night things and the FEAST

It looks really flat and barren, but I assume you had to use modter to keep the brickcount down. Still, you could've made some more vegetation and rocks and stuff for cover.

It looks really flat and barren, but I assume you had to use modter to keep the brickcount down. Still, you could've made some more vegetation and rocks and stuff for cover.
The map is only halfway done or so. Rocks will be added, and bushes will be duplicated around the map, with varying colours.

Those trees look pretty intense.

Those trees look pretty intense.

i wonder who made them.

tell me it's possible to break into the gamemasters room