Author Topic: Xaisk - Stupid posts.  (Read 2448 times)

This is my first Drama so I don't know really how to do it but looking at others I assume I'm supposed to put quotes.

So here's the context - in the "Oh god not bloukface" thread, he bumped it. It was really old and Nal told me he has been around for long enough to know that you don't bump threads that are really old. Then this conversation occurred. It's much easier to screenshot it compared to quoting it because it removes the context.

I hope he gets banned. What do you think?

/anti support He was funny :C

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 09:46:08 PM by Badspot »

He was banned previously for making a drama on how someone joined and called himself lovey.

He has also posted in numerous threads (All in Drama, interestingly) and they've mostly been spam.

He has also posted in numerous threads (All in Drama, interestingly) and they've mostly been spam.

And they arent funny?

/anti support He was funny :C

User was banned for this post
what the forget?
What was bannable about this? He simply stated that he thought the guy was funny..?


  • Administrator
/anti support He was funny :C

User was banned for this post

Got any more alts that you want banned?  It'd be easier if you just posted a list.  

/anti support He was funny :C

User was banned for this post
woah what
Got any more alts that you want banned?  It'd be easier if you just posted a list. 

/anti support He was funny :C

User was banned for this post
Got any more alts that you want banned?  It'd be easier if you just posted a list.