Author Topic: [A] Angels - "Locked" until an hosting service is found  (Read 24790 times)


Fab - Multi-role
BlockoBlocko - Multi-role
SmallGuy - Air
Duhman AKA Swain - Strategist
Spratticus - Support / Foot
Sparty - Multi-role
Speed - Strategist
Paradigm - Real sniper pro
Dragonslayer182 - Pilot
Score²- Support
Mega-Bear - Foot

Pending hosting service.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 08:40:54 PM by Fab »

fighting clans

Why not?
90% of fighting clans fail
inb4 "tHIS WONT!!!!1!1!q"

BlockoBlocko joined, Welcome!

In Game Name: Smallguy
BL_ID: 9373
Role: Air
Any experience in combat?: Ja!

Application because floating obelisks above our heads are scary.

In Game Name:Swain
Any experience in combat?:Yes, and you've seen me.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 07:10:20 PM by Duhman115 »

IGN: Jakob
BLID: 14941
Role: Secretary of Building
Any Experience: Lots, you've seen me.

BL Name: Spratticus

BL_ID: 2216

Role: Support, Foot

Combat Experience: Well, my highest streak while sniping was about around 30 in a blatantly obvious spot (not on your TDM). S'that enough? Because you seen how I snipe. You've also seen how I work on foot. Blastin' them fools.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 09:37:11 PM by Arceus16 »

There was a guy named spratticus trolling my friends server, so like be careful and stuff

ign: sparty
bl_id 10664
role: multi role
combat experience:
using the frag grenades as a last stand in your TDM by pulling the pin and jumping under APCs causing them to blowing up and myself.
i've been in a couple of dogfights. i generally prefer to use stratofortress' F18 because it's quick and powerful.

ign: sparty
bl_id 10664
role: multi role
combat experience:
using the frag grenades as a last stand in your TDM by pulling the pin and jumping under APCs causing them to blowing up and myself.
i've been in a couple of dogfights. i generally prefer to use stratofortress' F18 because it's quick and powerful.

Should I add a kamakaze class? and Yes, I saw you in my TDM.

Should I add a kamakaze class? and Yes, I saw you in my TDM.
A kamikaze class in a small map would be a bad idea. Just saying.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 10:08:26 AM by Lurker »