Author Topic: loving spoiled special needs kids  (Read 19117 times)

Berint, this is pure stupid. Just mind your own business instead of hearing other peoples conversations. Sure he got her suspended, but still, teachers treat Special needs kids like that because they have a disability and it'll impact them if they're being treated like stuff.
getting rejected =/= treated like stuff

There's these forgets during my lunch period that love to call me a "sped" for trying to get on the loving lunch line
Little do they know there are no real classes at my school that are completely for special ed students, so they indirectly called half of my class a special ed kid
May not be related, but still.


what's your argument against mine? why do you think I'm wrong? please tell me so I can accept how wrong i am, because apparently all I said was that you're an idiot. Please, go ahead.

the some of the special needs kids in my school are pretty much cool with the entire school
like this one guy who talks like kool mo dee(he speaks like KMD raps) and freestyles and has corn rows.

i dont think you should lump all special needs kids into one category
just loop dumbass parents into one category

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There's these forgets during my lunch period that love to call me a "sped" for trying to get on the loving lunch line
Little do they know there are no real classes at my school that are completely for special ed students, so they indirectly called half of my class a special ed kid
May not be related, but still.
gotta go spedy

"lol op you're a forgetin idiot"
>if the entire point of your post is to tell someone else what an idiot they are, don't bother

Trust me, worst things have been said. What I said was nothing.

what's your argument against mine? why do you think I'm wrong? please tell me so I can accept how wrong i am, because apparently all I said was that you're an idiot. Please, go ahead.
Okay, hodo, I just want to make one thing clear. I'm sorry if I am bothering you, but if I am, please don't post in this thread. If you are offended in anyway, you have the right to speak up, but I thought it would be better if we don't get into an argument.

Okay, hodo, I just want to make one thing clear. I'm sorry if I am bothering you, but if I am, please don't post in this thread. If you are offended in anyway, you have the right to speak up, but I thought it would be better if we don't get into an argument.

Then why didn't you say that in the first place? All you said was "flaming."

I think the USA is going to have a great increase of stupid people.

Trust me, worst things have been said. What I said was nothing.
worse things have been posted than what thekid did, too

yet he got banned

Trust me, worst things have been said. What I said was nothing.
"judge, I may have killed that man, but just think about it. Riddler killed millions. what I did was nothing"

I think the USA is going to have a great increase of stupid people.

didn't that already happen though

I wish special needs kids had their own classes instead of being put into normal ones
like this one kid named will is an EXTREME war addict, he goes around the class pretending like hes shooting guns and rockets and slicing zombies heads off
he just acts like a total handicap
whenever the teacher asked him to work he used to throw temper tantrums
then he starts rocking his chair back and forth with the intensity of a loving titan. I ask him to stop and hes like "NO!!!"
a few minutes later I just start tapping my fingers against the table from a habit and hes just "STOP BEING SO DISTRACTING"
oh also on the school bus he started crying like a little pusillanimous individual because his mom said that she won't give him his "daily present". I have a feeling that these sort of conditions come from how the parents raised the kid
I hate all special needs kids ive encountered so far