Author Topic: Traumatizing stuff.  (Read 5719 times)

That's pretty messed up. I've had to dispose of a young rabbit's corpse once. Was pretty sad n gross as he had been in my pool for a few days under the pool cover.

blogland, that game where you blog stuff
Both of you tend to post really stupid stuff on the same threads. Would be cool if you could not do that.

Oh my god it's made it this far north. YOU HAVE THREE DAYS TO PACK UP AND GET OUT! Once it gets through the rabbits it'll do the chickens, then the cows, the dog, then YOU. RUN YOU BASTARD!

Wait, wait. Why were the rabbits dead and mutilated?
sonic exe


I saw my dog taken by coyotes. On the last Monday of October, someone left the back door open so he went out. He was barking a lot so I went to check it out. He was hanging by his neck from 1 of coyotes' mouth. I started to scream and that's when they jumped the fence and ran into the wilderness. Behind our back yard is a steep forest and it was night so we could not follow them. We just herd yipping from him as they went farther away. Then he stopped. All we could find days later was 2 of his feet and his collar.

I saw my dog taken by coyotes. On the last Monday of October, someone left the back door open so he went out. He was barking a lot so I went to check it out. He was hanging by his neck from 1 of coyotes' mouth. I started to scream and that's when they jumped the fence and ran into the wilderness. Behind our back yard is a steep forest and it was night so we could not follow them. We just herd yipping from him as they went farther away. Then he stopped. All we could find days later was 2 of his feet and his collar.
Wow thats quite gruesome,
This time in florida, we lived near a forest, one night i was unable to sleep so i creaked my window  a little bit and i heard a cat crying, i never checked the forest but one of my neighborhood farell cats was not there, so all i could hope was the cat wasnt dead

My dog being savagely attacked by a bulldog, and my dad stepping on my new kitten, crushing its organs and snapping its neck. He died in my arms minutes later foaming blood from his mouth.
and my dead eight year old cousin.
I guess I could also squeeze in my dad trying to kill himself, on the floor all bloody.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 03:01:45 AM by Steve5452 »

Hold the forget on.

You're telling me the owner of those rabbits knew that these bunnies were pregnant and didn't provide an adequate space for them to loving give birth?

Call the humane society on those starfishs.

Edit: Just read the OP again. But still, why weren't rabbits which pretty much are known for banging non-stop, in good caging?

Hold the forget on.

You're telling me the owner of those rabbits knew that these bunnies were pregnant and didn't provide an adequate space for them to loving give birth?

Call the humane society on those starfishs.

Edit: Just read the OP again. But still, why weren't rabbits which pretty much are known for banging non-stop, in good caging?
they just bought 2 of them an the seller told them that they were both female...

Apparently they weren't. The other idfk how it got pregnant

blogland, that game where you blog stuff
stop posting.

anyways OP, they're just some dead rabbits, aint that big of a deal.

anyways OP, they're just some dead rabbits, aint that big of a deal.
You may find this hard to believe, but people care for other living things, and it can be traumatizing to see them killed or mutilated.

In other words, go away.

You may find this hard to believe, but people care for other living things, and it can be traumatizing to see them killed or mutilated.

In other words, go away.
no stuff? i didn't know people cared for living things.
i had a dog that went through some tough stuff, and i loved that dog. it was hit by a car and got severely sick afterwards. i'm not sure if it's alive anymore.

in other words be a condescending prick somewhere else.