Author Topic: 1000 ways to get banned from a server.  (Read 4604 times)

Title says it all.

1. Spam red bricks.

1000. Telling the server owner he doesn't have any rules.

3. Go on tezuni's server and say the word "hi".

1000. Telling the server owner he doesn't have any rules.
4. drama the host.

5: this sequence of events

0: On Activate-----self-----fire relay

1: on relay------ self----- play sound------beep no way.wav

2 on relay-----self-----fire relay

6. Build snakees everywhere.

Dumb ways to get banned, So many dumb ways to get banned.

7. Calling a furry admin a virgin. Trust me they go nuts. ʘ‿ʘ

5: this sequence of events

0: On Activate-----self-----fire relay

1: on relay------ self----- play sound------beep no way.wav

2 on relay-----self-----fire relay

8. Or do this

OnActivate self fire relay
OnRelay self fire relay
OnActivate self spawnprojectile Molotov

9. Put trap links in the chat

10. send adfly links that lead to this Video.

11. Have a name like darkninja8799.

11. Have a name like darkninja8799.
My name is Bloodage2 in Blockland.. :c

My name is Bloodage2 in Blockland.. :c
Good thing you changed it lol