Author Topic: The Koreans have Discovered Blockland  (Read 4894 times)

This is pretty cool. Only thing is, is their connection horrible? I mean Blockland's hosted in the US if I am correct (don't quote me on it), but would that mean they have awful ping?
I live in Australia and get a 1 second delay when firing any weapon/tool, also planting lag too. I wish there are Australian Servers.

I've heard Internet is really bad all over Australia.

I've heard Internet is really bad all over Australia.
only if you're playing on a non-australian server

only if you're playing on a non-australian server

no man the internet is really bad all over australia
my friend says that downloading 10/kbs is way more better than what they are getting; ever since they got a new minister

i wonder if the chinese discovered blockland already.

I found it a while ago, no sign of any other Chinese life forms though :/

I found it a while ago, no sign of any other Chinese life forms though :/
only because hong kong's internet isn't as filtered as the chinese. the chances of the chinese finding us is very low

I love that korean one omg he sounds so funny :D

um I have a bad feeling about this, (no not the bombing part) I mean, We might get MASS new amounts of players in like, 10 days. Now it might spread to a youtuber then... NOOBS EVERYWHERE

The noob syndrome is spreading. Hide in your bunkers guys

Don't let them find the Mini-Nuke.