
Which do you use most for mic chat?


Author Topic: The Unofficial Blockland Teamspeak - Disbanded  (Read 17228 times)

we added more stuff on the op

such as a rulebook and faction section
based off papers please c:

Is this frozen music

XD. just got a class project to make a country, FOR KOLEICHIA!

teamspeak plays cards against humanity lol

also lol:
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 05:44:13 AM by Nobot »

That was pretty fun, why cant any of these things happen sometime that is not 3 AM?

That was pretty fun, why cant any of these things happen sometime that is not 3 AM?

because of that game I didn't sleep that night

I'd be willing to host this for free if you guys want, although I don't know if you can migrate stuff over.
I'm assuming you bought a TS3 server and can't get access to database files. :s

I'd be willing to host this for free if you guys want, although I don't know if you can migrate stuff over.
I'm assuming you bought a TS3 server and can't get access to database files. :s
I'm pretty sure you can't even just copy TS3 server files over to something else, unless I did it wrong before.

[root@TBP-VPS3 teamspeak3-server]# ls -al /var/lib/teamspeak3-server/
total 216
drwxr-x---  3 teamspeak teamspeak   4096 May  1 21:43 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 root      root        4096 May  1 21:20 ..
drwx------  4 teamspeak teamspeak   4096 May  1 21:26 files
-rw-r--r--  1 teamspeak teamspeak      1 May  1 21:25 query_ip_blacklist.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 teamspeak teamspeak     10 May  1 21:25 query_ip_whitelist.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 teamspeak teamspeak 199680 May  1 21:43 ts3server.sqlitedb

Reading about it more, it looks like it won't work if it's Linux --> Windows and vice versa because of EOL characters
SQLite --> MySQL/vice versa causes issues as well from the looks of it

I doubt there's access to it anyhow.

If you guys want to keep using TS3's official servers, then that's fine, I just wanted to throw the offer out there.

I'd be willing to host this for free if you guys want, although I don't know if you can migrate stuff over.
The TS is paid until July 27th.
We probably won't migrate over until sometime after, if the offer is still available.
That's assuming I don't have my own VPS, because I will be using my VPS for hosting BL servers, and the TS too probably.

The TS is paid until July 27th.
We probably won't migrate over until sometime after, if the offer is still available.
That's assuming I don't have my own VPS, because I will be using my VPS for hosting BL servers, and the TS too probably.
Use your own VPS if you can then, that's miles better.
I'll more than likely keep the offer up, use what you've paid for :P

(DigitalOcean is good if you can handle Linux)

someone asked to screenshot it