Author Topic: [Story] - The Hosting Feud - DoS Story  (Read 2208 times)

The Hosting Feud
Hammereditor's DDoS against RTB

Logo Needed

  Years after the breakthrough in science of having each player create a public world, hosting whatever they wanted on it, escalated quickly. Once Blocklander in particular loved creating his own worlds, expirementing with them, then opening it to the public where more Blocklanders could join his world and enjoy his creations.

  However, some worlds were corrupt. Upon creating them, they sometimes had problems. Some problems, permanent for the Blocklander. Certain disasters pertained as;  inhabitable world, unable to join the world, and huge amounts of time lags. This cause much distress within Blockland. And Hammer wanted to change that.

  Using his little resources, he constructed another world. But this world was more advanced than others. It had the ability to, make worlds. But these types of worlds just weren't like any other world that Blocklanders could create. This world had very few problems compared to the normal worlds that other players could create. It was habitable,  very little disasters that were danger the Blocklanders on that world. This was called a Hosting Service.

  It was a dark and stormy night. A faint glow emanated from Hammer's bPhone into the dark musty air. Thunder rumbled outside as he scrolled through the Blockland Forums.

  "Filipe and Eksi hooking up together?" He coughed as more lightning streaked through the sky. "Not a chance."

  He scrolled further through the forums. Checking out multiple topics. "Nothing new on the forums today." As he exited out of a Family RP topic.

  But then, something caught his eye. A new topic. "RTB Dedicated Hosting Service". Infuriated, he went to the topic, almost dropping his bPhone. After five minutes of relentless reading, every minute his anger growing more and more, he was finally done. Shaking, he turned off his bPhone and set it on the nightstand next to him. Shaking, he stared outside the window. He couldn't believe that the other hosting service was already getting so many likes. People loved to buy it and use it!

  Hammer was prosecuted already for his hosting service, trying to get money from it would send him to damnation. Nobody liked his hosting service. He was getting left out in the dark. He wanted to be known, to be famous.

  He thought to himself. He figured out there was only one way that he could resolve this issue. He had to get rid of the other hosting service.
But he had no way to do that. He had no resources to outdo the other hosting services, or get them to stop their service either. But then he thought of something. Something that could possibly work, and make his hosting service dominant. He had to eliminate the other service. Simple. But he had to do it with brute force. Something to make them cower behind their power. Make them look bad.

  "DoS.". He said out loud. Thunder hammered in the sky. Lightning streaked across the window, sending light skyrocketing into the house. Hammereditor looked like a devil. His mischievous sneer and the deathly glow from the lightning outside. He would probably give a child nightmares.

  Hammer leaped from his chair, bounding up his stairs as fast as his little legs could carry him. Leaping into another rolling chair in front of his computer, he brought up his DoSing program.

  He moved his mouse, and clicked the button.

  After one year, the bunkers were re-opened. The DoS has returned.

    To be continued...

Hey guys! Just put another short story together. I might plan on making a part 2. Hope you guys like it! You can rate x/10.

Edits: Fixing some errors.

This is fiction, I'm not appointing accusations upon hammereditor, and this is not slander. This is fiction based on true events.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 01:21:19 AM by Jakobblockhead »

Haha, where was this funny stuff when Ephialtes pulled this same stuff in 2011?

Haha, where was this funny stuff when Ephialtes pulled this same stuff in 2011?
Here we go again

Haha, where was this funny stuff when Ephialtes pulled this same stuff in 2011?
Wasn't it Lub who did the DDOS though?

Seriously, stop posting stories.

Seriously, stop posting stories.
Due hes good he needs to post more

Due hes good he needs to post more
No he's not. Read a real book and you'll realise he isn't

No he's not. Read a real book and you'll realize he isn't

At least you could help him out instead of telling him to forget off

His stories will get worse if you tell him to forget off, and better if you legitimately help him.

9/10 nice to see cool stuff on forums theses days !

No he's not. Read a real book and you'll realise he isn't
oh noes someone stole Furdle's attention

1. If you don't like it don't read it

2. Gallery: Show off your Blockland creations

3.►►►READ OR GET BANNED - Do not make negative posts.

Enjoy your ban, m8.

oh noes someone stole Furdle's attention

1. If you don't like it don't read it

2. Gallery: Show off your Blockland creations

3.►►►READ OR GET BANNED - Do not make negative posts.

Enjoy your ban, m8.

by that standard, this is a negative post too.

Seriously, stop posting stories.
No he's not. Read a real book and you'll realise he isn't
I'm not sure why he would stop posting just because you say it.

Lots of people want you to stop posting these autofellatio bullstuff posts but you ain't stopping right?

oh noes someone stole Furdle's attention

1. If you don't like it don't read it

2. Gallery: Show off your Blockland creations

3.►►►READ OR GET BANNED - Do not make negative posts.

Enjoy your ban, m8.
This isn't a blockland creation. Gallery is for pictures and videos of builds.

This isn't a blockland creation. Gallery is for pictures and videos of builds.

says who