Author Topic: how did you find blockland  (Read 8470 times)

My brother recommended me the game.
As for where he found it, he can't really recall it.

My friend told me about it. After playing the demo, I knew I had to have this game.

i found it watching research youtube videos

found it at my friends house

I remembered playing a LEGO-esque game when I was a really little kid. I missed it and wanted to re-play it. I ended up finding Blockland.

I was online at roblox, then I found the 100,000+ brick place. Looked at the comments of the cigarettes arguing. Then they kept saying stuff like "omg blockland sucks" and so I searched up Blockland. My brother found it first, but never told me :C.

back in 2012 i watched filipe1020's blockland videos. so i went to try out the blockland demo. i got bored of it, and i stopped playing. then in 2013 i found about blockland again, i looked at some videos about blockland servers, and it looked really fun. so i bought the game.

Youtube. It was an ad on the side of the screen.

Was at a friend's house and he showed me it. Saw both the Bedroom and Kitchen before I fell in love.