Author Topic: Blockland Text Adventure [Now With Tools & Movement]  (Read 5834 times)

Hello Everyone!
This is a jolly good project attempting to recreate Blockland in a text adventure style. Badspot said he would only play if I made it work in browser but that sounds hard so will take some time he can play now. This is the first version, so it has only very basic commands and can only use the default 1st page of bricks. A million thanks to my friend Coburn for being good at Javascript and helping me get this website up.

You can play the game here.
Or here if you cant connect up there.

TODO List:
-Convert to JS for browsers
-Include all bricks
-Player Movement
-Export/Import BL save files
-Main server where if you go into real Blockland, you can see people building from website in real time
-Brick emitters, lights, events

If you have suggestions, please do tell me!
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 12:27:10 PM by Smallguy »

Wow you were serious about this? Good job smallguy.

You could code it in JavaScript; not only would it work in the browser, but you could make it look pretty and everything. Since you seem to understand Java pretty well, JS would almost be a walk in the park for you. (only because they're similar in syntax, I do realize Java and JS are fundamentally different)

I heard you talking about this on a server at one point...

You could code it in JavaScript; not only would it work in the browser, but you could make it look pretty and everything. Since you seem to understand Java pretty well, JS would almost be a walk in the park for you. (only because they're similar in syntax, I do realize Java and JS are fundamentally different)

Last night was spent trying to learn enough JS to accomplish this. I am not of the knowing to get proper input and make it all pretty like cmd prompt. Until then it is in Java.

You could code it in JavaScript; not only would it work in the browser, but you could make it look pretty and everything. Since you seem to understand Java pretty well, JS would almost be a walk in the park for you. (only because they're similar in syntax, I do realize Java and JS are fundamentally different)

The javascript genie saved me, I am working on the JS version now.

i would actually enjoy some sort of blockland server text adventure

like you play as an intelligent but quiet blockhead joining servers and trying to not forget up, using the things around you to your advantage

we could feature individual players' servers as episodes, and basically just set a goal for the blockhead to do and have them solve puzzles to do so

that might have been unclear

i'm thinking we could choose a server- for reference, let's use a Murder Mystery server- where you have a simple task that you must accomplish and maybe a few forum personalities also playing on the server, who serve to act as obstacles between you and completing your task. following the original example, your goal would simply be to kill the mafia you would do things like sneak around, observe actions, find items and evade getting killed (but you- as a new player who has no experience in fpses- cannot fight back with any real skill, so you can only successfully attack very rarely) but then the NPCs you share the environment with are caricatures of real players, so for instance if you were to attempt to attack me (who in this sort of thing should probably be the mafia because that would pose the most interesting threat) directly you would literally never actually complete the puzzle right off the bat, and have to find some sort of alternate path or route which would involve me not noticing you in order to win the ensuing fight

maybe there could be a little bit of character development too on the player's end, as he continues to stick around he still never speaks but begins to note things that he wouldnt have noticed before quickly when you first enter new areas or be able to fight off other very new players, but consistently not be able to fight a 'named' character without using trickery

You could code it in JavaScript; not only would it work in the browser, but you could make it look pretty and everything. Since you seem to understand Java pretty well, JS would almost be a walk in the park for you. (only because they're similar in syntax, I do realize Java and JS are fundamentally different)

It is in JS now.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 05:56:12 PM by Smallguy »

I don't understand the point of this.
I can't even see my bricks.

I don't understand the point of this.
I can't even see my bricks.
What? The text is right there! See, here's my brick
Brick placed
plant brick
brick shifted away
shift brick away
Brick placed
plant brick
ghost brick placed
place ghost brick
brick selected
Enter brick to select
select brick
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 06:23:05 PM by DYLANzzz »

I don't understand the point of this.
I can't even see my bricks.

At first there was no other point but for the lolz, Bushido helped me realize it could eventually be used for cool things like challenges.

When I do "shift brick up" it doesn't work. O_O

add in a "brickcount" command

this is awesome

When I do "shift brick up" it doesn't work. O_O

not implemented yet, working on that now
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 07:50:25 PM by Smallguy »

This is neat! I am having fun with this.