Author Topic: UKRAINE WARISH THING -- THE TANKENING  (Read 41314 times)

Call of Saxophone

Not a single forget

also hOLY stuff ARE THEY LAUNCHING FIREWORKS oh hey they're drumming again.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 02:51:40 PM by Cybertails1998 »

stream ended FALSE ALARM
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 03:05:03 PM by Cybertails1998 »

It's Russia. stuff like this has been going for for years.
It's why I find it funny why anyone could even like Russia.
It's like a bad joke.

they just went off the air

It's Russia. stuff like this has been going for for years.
It's why I find it funny why anyone could even like Russia.
It's like a bad joke.
Ukraine isn't russia

It's Russia. stuff like this has been going for for years.
It's why I find it funny why anyone could even like Russia.
It's like a bad joke.
Do you actually think it's Russia

It's Russia. stuff like this has been going for for years.
It's why I find it funny why anyone could even like Russia.
It's like a bad joke.
I think you should check your calendar

It's Russia. stuff like this has been going for for years.
It's why I find it funny why anyone could even like Russia.
It's like a bad joke.
Sir, have you been drinking tonight?

It's Russia. stuff like this has been going for for years.
It's why I find it funny why anyone could even like Russia.
It's like a bad joke.
are you handicapped

i think noßody's jabbing at this

they just went off the air
they keep going on and off for sme reason

Hang on let me just take my $2,000 camera to these riot grounds.

Damn nice pictures.

why the hell did he rip his helmet off

Are you dumb? The helmet was coated in gasoline from the molotov and on fire.
I'm pretty sure that if your face is burning under a helmet you should take the helmet off.

Are you dumb? The helmet was coated in gasoline from the molotov and on fire.
I'm pretty sure that if your face is burning under a helmet you should take the helmet off.
I'm dumb for asking for clarification?

nice logic

Shame its not happening here. Our government needs a bite in the ass too