Author Topic: Do you that blockland will be popular?  (Read 2968 times)

K is not used for thousand just because everyone does. It is used for thousand, because the K stands for kilo, which literally means thousand. Kilometer (km) is thousand meters (m), kilogram (kg) is thousand grams (g).
Doesn't anybody of you seriously know this? It's like, pre-math people omg

OnTopic: Judging by the speed BL is growing atm, I doubt we'd reach 200k in 2014, that'd mean doubling the current amount and still not being there. Very unlikely to happen.

Doesn't anybody of you seriously know this? It's like, pre-math people omg
"anybody of you"
ok mister. whatever you say

My "anybody of you' was quite clearly referring to previous posters talking about it, silly

Well, I think you ask pointless questions.

I don't think Setro has room to talk

I mean, I know he's changed, but I remember Setro made some weird topics awhile back


Everyone uses K for 1,000.  And general mathematical constants.

I'm not sure if it will get to 200k, at least not within 10 years unless something huge happens like a famous youtuber reviews it and inspires stufftons of people to join.  Not saying it would be good for the community, but it would create volume.

The use of k as 1,000 is not the same as the mathematical constant K.

well a lot of people here have been playing it for years so it must have something going for it

you are all stupid. my loving god. everyone who drags on the discussion about the use of "K" needs to die already.

Um, we're not going on to 100,000 players, we're going onto 60,000.

My "anybody of you' was quite clearly referring to previous posters talking about it, silly

i think you meant "any of you" or "any one of you"

"anybody of you" is clunky and wrong grammatically speaking

Um, we're not going on to 100,000 players, we're going onto 60,000.

My only concern is that we don't know how consistently these players will play. I've read some information here in the past that many of the new steam players quit playing after a few days. Unsurprisingly, this is a common trend with most games, as many steam users simply "collect" games into their library and never play them. Without players that play consistently, getting more players is moot to the community.

My only concern is that we don't know how consistently these players will play. I've read some information here in the past that many of the new steam players quit playing after a few days. Unsurprisingly, this is a common trend with most games, as many steam users simply "collect" games into their library and never play them. Without players that play consistently, getting more players is moot to the community.
yeah of course people will do that

i'm sure people did that even before steam. the thing with being in steam and in all these bundles is that that's still more exposure to all kinds of people. even if a lot of them do that, there are still going to be the ones that enjoy the game and will want to play and become active in the community

you are all stupid. my loving god. everyone who drags on the discussion about the use of "K" needs to die already.
reported for flaming!!