
Which do you take?

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Sword + Tome
0 (0%)
Sword + Bow
0 (0%)
Tome + Bow
0 (0%)
All three
2 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 2

Author Topic: [200x120] SubTerra  (Read 3709 times)

What the forget, Jelly, why are you running two adventures?
A. Flying Frontier doesn't really get that much traffic, and if it does, I can just set up a schedule for these two. And B. I got this idea bouncing around in my head for the past few weeks.

So is Flying Frontier going to take a back seat to this?
No, I'll update both of these whenever I get suggestions. Like I said, Flying Frontier isn't exactly a high traffic thread, anyway.

What even is this?
Fantasy RPG-esque thing

You are in some form of ruins of a temple. It's in some kind of cave, and judging from the condition of the cave, no one has been in here for quite some time.

Stab Legoboss in the chest
Look around for a bit.

Stab Legoboss in the chest
Look around for a bit.
You assess your surroundings.

To the south, the cave is blocked further by various boulders. To the north directly in front of you is the remains of a column; farther back, the cave goes on further. The walls are engraved with a pattern, which has unfortunately been eroded somewhat.

Check inventory

Your inventory consists of

x1 Iron Sword [2.0 weight]

and the clothes on your back

eat sword and clothes on your back


just loving stop
Sorry, i'll fix it.

eat sword and clothes on your back, then throw them up and mold them together to make a powerful big ass sword

It's not funny

stop it

jesus christ
Who said it was funny
It would give you a better weapon, helping you fight better.

inspect pillar in front of you

Take off hood. Inspect face, put hood back on, and continue. Inspect any odd things around you.