Decals won't work

Author Topic: Decals won't work  (Read 842 times)

I am trying to make a simple decal on my avatar, but when I save it I get this:

use, ms paint doesn't work.

Like the other two gentlemen have stated above: Don't use MS Paint; It doesn't support transparency.
Try something like, since it's good for beginners.

If you're using, and you try to save an image, you will usually be faced with a quality prompt such as this:

Never save the image as an 8-bit, because 8-bit has changes in transparency as well as quality.
I suggest you save it as 32-bit, which will automatically fix transparency. As long as you make the decal the right size, it should work from there. Keep in mind: The decal needs to be transparent in ALL parts that you want to be affected by the player's color.