Author Topic: gophones, sim cards, and smartphones question  (Read 275 times)

Okay, so I'm looking at getting a moto g for my birthday, but I have a question that I can't seem to find a clear answer anywhere on. Can I, on a T-Mobile GoPhone (pay per text, limited minutes, no data), swap the SIM card from the gophone into the moto g without being forced to add a data plan? I know AT&T does this, but I'm not sure about T-Mobile.

Yes you can. And you can do it on AT&T as long as you swap it yourself and dont tell them lol

I'm gonna do that for my birthday and get a moto x lol.
I have verizon and their chink service wouldn't know.

Yes you can. And you can do it on AT&T as long as you swap it yourself and dont tell them lol
hmm. I've been looking around and people were saying AT&T gave them a hard time for switching it, but ok!

hmm. I've been looking around and people were saying AT&T gave them a hard time for switching it, but ok!

Yeah. I have AT&T so I have some experience with that. I had some crappy GoPhone too when I bought my first smartphone online. I popped in the SIM card and it worked fine. AT&T never said anything until my mom wanted to get me a newer phone and they said that I required a data plan and then they just added one without saying anything to my Mom :/