Author Topic: Fire Extinguisher by Giome [Update]  (Read 3355 times)

The Fire Extinguisher
By Giome

Hi everyone it has been a while and I have recently made an add-on that actually got to work somewhat properly in the game! The armatures in the model I am not sure if they were put right or not but rest assured it looks great in-game!

I made this little thing in about a day or two and I think it should be time to go over some things and look after for some improvements!

The Details:
Basic Little device. It is supposed to act kind of like the pushbroom only like a gun sort of. but, you know, like a fire extinguisher. I wonder why

What needs to improve:
-I want to make it change bricks with "Fire" emmiters to no emmiters. something like that...
-I need the glass in the gauge to be actually clear in the game "its brown atm"

**I NEED A BETTER server.cs FILE**
If someone can help me/make me a slick server.cs
(I just stuffly edited the pushbroom one in 5 mins for now)
-I need this to make a cool looking spray a fire extinguisher does, knomsayin'
-Sounds not made
*If someone can help me make it so that there is one can on the lever and one on the canister would be the best*

*Suggestions will be taken*



Try out V2.5 Below!

*Add-on*        - DOWNLOAD
*Blender File* - Version 2 Model

--{Change Log}--
V1 -  model update, basic setup
V2 - Newer model / fixes, little changes here and there in the folder
V2.5 - Scripted a bit the server.cs to make it actually work ingame ((Does not clear fires yet))
« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 03:37:38 PM by giome298 »

Wow thats pretty damn cool actually.

Needs some fire things for using this, also pretty neat and nice model, 10/10

Needs some fire things for using this, also pretty neat and nice model, 10/10
Glad you like it
I don't know much about coding in Blockland but I was looking forward for someone to help me code this thing. I was looking more to just make it just clear fire emitters when it hits a brick. See, I don't even know if it is possible lol

Wow thats pretty damn cool actually.
Thank you that means a lot

I think the model is too round
Looks cool though

yeah you should make it have less faces and then replace the how to use with just a white bar that comes out a bit.

I think the model is too round
Looks cool though
yeah you should make it have less faces and then replace the how to use with just a white bar that comes out a bit.

I am not very convinced it would make a big difference. Also, this is sort of the least of my concerns atm

I to focus on the coding/animations

Oh my god, please get a better model.

Oh my god, please get a better model.
Way to help. Tell me what needs improvement

If you can't see what's wrong with the model yourself, look at other Blockland models and compare.

If you can't see what's wrong with the model yourself, look at other Blockland models and compare.
I know there are a couple of things I need to fix but I need you to tell me what needs to be fixed that hasn't been mentioned. Please don't tell me that, it will not help.

Ignore him.

I would make the actual model 8 sided. Never go above 8 or smartass here will tell you off.

Anything over 8 really looks odd in Blockland

It does look wierd if its 8. I tried making the changes and this is what I got...

This is 12 by the way

That looks perfect. Very acceptable.