Author Topic: AMD Mantle  (Read 835 times)

AMD Mantle is AMD's new OpenGL/DirectX sort of thing, except it is highly optimized for AMD cards and it is reported to have increased FPSs a ton. Anyone have any experience with it? Im currently installing it right now on my desktop PC.

Hmmm... Sounds interesting. I have an AMD card, I might just have to check it out.

I got it on my PC without any errors, score 1 for Brian Smith.
Now to get Battlefield 4.

Now try Blockland Soft Shaders

I'm downloading it now, haven't decided if I actually want to try messing with my drivers. I had a bad experience with graphics drivers once (granted it was on linux, but still).

Now try Blockland Soft Shaders
The application has to actually use Mantle, you can't just have it magically work.

The application has to actually use Mantle, you can't just have it magically work.
Oooohhh. lol, nvm. It's not gonna help me then.

I have an AMD card and I'd love to try this out, however, my computer only has 72 MB of disk space left so I'm debating on downloading this or an album of funny pictures.

I have an AMD card and I'd love to try this out, however, my computer only has 72 MB of disk space left so I'm debating on downloading this or an album of funny pictures.
It's over 200 MBs...

my computer only has 72 MB of disk space left

Time to clean out your research.

I'm sorry, I had to.

you use a horrible comprinter

im installing it on nvidia card because the police can kindly go away

Yeah uhm, I'm getting some pretty interesting results with the only benchmarking tool that uses AMD Mantle.
I'll post results when it is done with it's DirectX3D go through.