Author Topic: Forums being slow  (Read 1536 times)

The forums are unusually slow for me. Is anyone else getting this?

Also quick reply and some of the buttons are not loading so I can't quote sometimes

« Last Edit: February 20, 2014, 02:06:11 AM by Atn »

This is now a speedtest thread.

I hate my internet.

OP didn't really ask for your Internet speeds

No but I wish badspot would fix the avatar system :(

its good but nothing to brag about

and the massive page stretch issue

pls bring gaggle flubber 2 wasigton and end this Eternal Nightmare

pls bring gaggle flubber 2 wasigton and end this Eternal Nightmare
how do you get those speeds with comcast?


heres mine :(

I'll let you guess my speed. Hint: I have Dsl.

I'll let you guess my speed. Hint: I have Dsl.
probably close to mine