Author Topic: Slayer Teams  (Read 275 times)

I'm trying to make it so that when you first join, only two out of the four teams are joinable.
Then I am trying to make it so that there is a button that when you click it, it makes you join one of those teams.
Please help

On a team's settings, uncheck something that says something along the lines of "Auto-join" or something like that

On a team's settings, uncheck something that says something along the lines of "Auto-join" or something like that
And lock the team so no one can join it by using /jointeam

Then with the brick it's like Onactivate>>Player>>JoinTeam or something.

Don't listen to them. Change the max players value on the team 0 and nobody will be able to join unless moved there by an admin.

Don't listen to them. Change the max players value on the team 0 and nobody will be able to join unless moved there by an admin.
Both ways work .-.