Author Topic: YouTube just change for anyone else?  (Read 1103 times)

Everything looks very squared and centered now.

Anyone else get this?

yeah i got it, it's TERRIBLE and i HATE it


legit though, yeah, i think it's okay. not too radical

I literally puked my eyeballs out as soon as I saw this.

I absolutely hate the shadow on this panel.

Its been like this for awhile, it just changed to something different recently

when you make the video medium size it moves to the center again

i don't like this look but here's the uhh
big question
did it fix ANYTHING

i don't like this look but here's the uhh
big question
did it fix ANYTHING
Thats the best joke I've heard all day

the playerlist isn't aligned with the video anymore which isn't great i thought that optimized space

Its purdy. Very reminiscent of Google Now.

My favorites aren't fixed though, prior to this new design, my favorites have been saying i have 100 videos instead of 2700 and occasionally blocking the other pages from being accessed on the list, and any videos i favorite are added to the LAST page of my favorites instead of the FIRST page

Also, i have two SFM tutorial playlists in my playlists menu that i can't remove, i de-liked them but they're still there, unable to be removed any other way

I dont like how if your browser window is smaller it automatically gets rid of the sidebar
other than that i'm indifferent to it