Author Topic: Bots and friendly fire  (Read 1237 times)

I don't know if it's impossible or not, but is there a way to disable friendly fire from a bot that I've pro-...uh,
"Event'ed" to be friendly? I've got everything set up for  a top down Zombies Ate my Neighbors style map, but just when it starts to get fun, a friendly bot, who I've "Event'ed"to follow me but at the same keep its distance through use of the power off, power on event, it kills me nearly every time with whatever weapon i chose to give whether it be an mp5 or one of the new dueling pack swords. If someone could uh..make an add-on that counter acts this or show me how to disable it via its actual texts, it would be very helpful to guys like me that just like to stick around with his bot buddies...yes. His backstabbing, friendly-firing, personal-space-ignorant, bot buddies.

Also, can I stop their velocity from being relative to their spawn point? That's very irritating and stops me from making alot of watch-and-be-amazed maps. I know of the relative velocity event, and even tried to merge it with the bots code. I got as far as making it appear on the events interface when targeting a bot, but it doesn't work. It won't even move. I'm thinking it's impossible though. For instance, i remember the push broom actually pushing things back, yet when I use it on a bot, it simply propels it into the air. Even with other add-on's that are supposed to push players back, it either gets propelled into the air or doesn't move at all. Can someone please tell me how to make these things have relative velocity!? I could use the relative velocity event with Amade's bots, but not with these hole-bots. Why? I'll keep looking through their code, but I'm putting this up just in case anyone feels like helping out or doing something to fend off boredom.

Please make your explanations simple, as I am NOT a programmer or a Java expert. Yeah, I took a class on Java, but the most complicated thing I made was a game of rock, paper, scissors. After that, I got nothing.

You should have to be on the 1st team of Slayer or something.

Hole bots can apply to slayer? Sorry, but can you please explain? I've tried before, but I don't think I was doing it right.

Idk I made a British and Russian game, british was 1st team Russian was second, enemies worked with Russians and Friendlies worked with British.

Hmm. These were bots right? Thanks. Anyway, i found out that slayer supports bots. Unfortunately, I don't know if I can actually incorporate my own personally made bots into the chaos. I think it only allows me to put in default bots automatically if the player teams have a difference. I'll check.

Idk I made a British and Russian game, british was 1st team Russian was second, enemies worked with Russians and Friendlies worked with British.

That actually worked? Hmm, that wasn't intentional.

Yeah, I'm gonna see what happens when I give it a try. I didn't think it'd work either, but the man says that it did. Any clues on the velocity problem?